A sinister mix of detective adventure RPG with classic horror. Hunt down heretics, witches, heathen, demons.
Welcome to the murky times you’ll get the chance to become an occultist that due to a quirk of malignant fate becomes an inquisitorr. A very wrong person in a very responsible position. Join the ranks of a bloodthirsty church and see how far are you ready to go to save your beloved one.
Mercyful Flames is a detective adventure RPG inspired by horror board games. A slow-paced, yet thrilling study of human meanness. Complete several dozen missions, each set in different but equally horrifying scenery. Investigate, bribe, fight, or even torture. Do whatever it takes, to achieve your goal, and remember that you’ll be doing it all in the name of love. Or at least keep telling yourself that to remain sane.
Release Date: TBA
- Steam (TBA)
- Microsoft Xbox (TBA)
- PlayStation 4/5 (TBA)
- Nintendo Switch (TBA)
Some of the inquisitor's powers:
- Ultimate interrogation. Break your enemies' will force them to reveal their darkest secrets.
- Roaming the Dark Ages world. Explore the wild and deserted nooks of the kingdom.
- Creativity. Develop terrifying torture machines
- God’s Grace. Develop your skills through the power of the above.
- Detective's mind. Solve problems using the power of intelligence, fear, persuasiveness, or torture.
Dark ages. Poverty and misery are everywhere. Hunger and injustice raise anger in simple men. Keep it in mind - you are in the middle of it. Make good use of the heavenly support. Ask the Lord to send favors, and help you in your investigation. Hunt down the devil inside the innocent souls, but remember that even the purest soul of loved once can be sometimes tempted but him. Decide how far can you go